Gabe's Alive


On May 11, 2009, Gabe was in a devastating motorcycle accident, in which his legs were crushed and torn from his body. His life was saved by a very sweet soul—a former firefighter named Jorge—who witnessed Gabe being dragged down the road by a truck, jumped out of his car and used his belt as a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. Gabe was airlifted to Morristown Memorial Hospital, where both legs were amputated.

Gabe was miraculously free of head and spinal injuries, and after long painful and uncertain weeks in hospital and physical rehabilitation, Gabe started on the real healing – learning to live with the loss of his physical potential.

Gabe was 19 years old when the accident occurred. He has always been an athlete and a free spirit. It’s his goal to recover his mobility and enjoy life to the fullest.

7 Responses to "About"

I am just heartbroken to hear this news about Gabe! It was only a month ago he was smiling here in San Diego with us and jumping on our trampoline, doing flips in the air. ..even on an injured ankle! He is such an amazing young man with such a strong spirit! He can overcome any obstacle—I really believe that!
After not seeing Gabe for about 10 years, I was so happy to see our young cousin blossoming into a strong and savvy young man, eager to embrace the world and return to California and start college.
I have been looking forward to spending more time with him and getting to know him better. GABRIEL… our prayers are with you every day and we know you are strong. I wish I could take away your pain. NIIKA….your pain as mother is excruciating, I know!
Please know that we are with you and visualizing the healing….
Thank you for keeping us posted.
LOVE and LIGHT, Suzanne

Just a few weeks ago Gabe was sitting in my English class making jokes and making everyone laugh. When i heard about this incident it broke my heart. thou i only knew Gabe for the very short time he was in Northport, NY he just stood out from everyone else. please send my hello to Gabe, and let him know that everyone is praying for him and if there is anything that Gabe or his family needs please don’t hesitate to ask. He is in our prayers! He will get through this he’s a strong person.
Thank you for keeping us posted!
With lots of Love, SAM OMARKHEIL

I just got word from some mutual friends about Gabe and what happened. Today I fed-exed Young Living Oils for Gabe, so please let me know if I can help share/inform you all how to use what I sent. They should get there soon. ( They were sent from Topanga, CA)
Best to all!

Niika and Gabe—–Marisa and I are sending you love and courage every second. Niika, even though you are so good at expressing yourself and sharing your feelings, I still can’t even imagine! I wish I could be there to hold you and help with all the care. We will see you again. love, Carol

sending good thoughts you-alls way. still occasionally volunteer at free clinic in Somerset ( let me know what we can do to offset costs.
love and hugs

I am so sorry to hear about your motorcycle accident and the loss of your legs. I pray for you and send you my best thoughts for endless healing energy and a solid and steady recovery.
I would like to send you pictures of Paka that I have taken in recent months. Please send me yours or Nika’s email address and I will get some photos off to you. Take care and stay strong.

Hi! Sorry so long to write, was hoping to see you soon. Been praying for you anyway, everyday, so proud of you! Stay strong! Grand ma Lu

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