Gabe's Alive

Archive for the ‘Movies’ Category

Hey Everyone out there ~

I know its been a while since I last checked in.  LIFE  has been crazy and very busy lately. I have started the long path towards walking again. I have been visiting my prosthetic doctor very regularly and getting adjustments done almost every week.

I am so grateful that someone would bless me with the opportunity to get started with this pair of  legs and begin to use them. The prosthetics are great in many ways and I know that I will learn to use them very well, and I will walk again and  probably even more. Maybe because I made such amazingly quick progress with my recovery and healing in spite of all the challenges, so I think I just expected to be able to jump up on my new legs and just use them. But walking again is something that takes a lot of hard work and major practice every day! Even though it feels slow to me, the doctors say I am making lots of progress and am even ahead of where  should be with my use of prosthetics. I know that I will get great at using them and I am committed to pushing myself as far as I can humanly go.

Walking is very hard but it feels so rewarding to be able to stand again and look at myself in the mirror standing up. This has been very emotional for me much more than anything else thus far. Today it has been a year from my accident, which was last May 11, 2009. I think the more time goes on, the more I get to know the permanent limitations that come with my lifelong disability. It’s a miracle that I have these prosthetic legs, and I’m really so happy in many ways, but also, now that I actually have them, I am realizing once-and-for-all that it will never be the same as having my real legs back, and that is a very saddening thing. This is very hard ’cause because I really want to be able to do everything and be the same as I used to. It’s a truly hard thing to realize that I will never ever get to put my feet in the sand at the beach again, or be able to roller blade or bounce around from rock to rock up a big green hill, or dance – ’cause I had rhythm!  My whole life, I have been very active – even when I was standing still! And now I really miss that part of myself.

In other news, things are going very well. My school semester is almost over so I’m very busy with school work and preparations for finals.

Making the Most of the Day

Last weekend, my lovely mother treated me to a morning of sea kayaking from Sausalito to Belevedere on the San Francisco Bay. It was the first time I had done anything of that nature since my accident, and it felt very empowering to be able to just get out there and do something so physical and fun. For a few hours, I felt like my old self and that nothing had changed.

Serious Arm Power

I am very excited about this summer! Summer is my favorite time of year, and last year I spent it laying in a hospital bed in radical pain, so I am very excited to get some time in the sun with my friends this year.

I want to thank everyone out there who has supported me and helped me get this far in such an amazingly short amount of time. I love all of you and thank you for everything that you have helped me achieve with your amazing level of support. I truly couldn’t have gotten this far without you. I am so grateful for every day that I have on this planet. Even with my permanent limitations starting to really sink in, I am very happy and so thankful for so many things, especially to be the recipient of so much love.

It’s time to sign out —

One more BIG thing… This summer I will be visiting the East Coast, and I would love the opportunity to see as many of you out there as possible. It’s been a difficult and busy time since the accident, and I haven’t been able to actually connect with all of you. So, if you are up for getting together in June or July, let me know.

Keep on keepin’ on and enjoy every day of your life-


Niika writes:

Isn’t Gabe looking good?

It’s amazing to see him doing so well, especially now that I have taken a few weeks to return to my clinic in Kerala, India – Rasa Ayurveda – and like you, I’m watching Gabe on the screen and not seeing him in person this week!

What has been accomplished so far can never be fully explained, but I’m feeling really grateful and satisfied to see that Gabe has not only survived, but he’s now in school, driving, set up with a good medical support team… There is a long path to tread still, to get him up onto legs and fully back into life, but he’s really made enormous progress and I’m sure he will continue.

In this last month before leaving for Kerala, while juggling work responsibilities and Gabe’s care, I was able to hire and train an assistant to help out with things Gabe can’t do just yet – Suzy (She’s great!), and also rented an accessible house (This was not an easy task!) near Gabe’s college for us to share for the next year or so, while Gabe faces more surgeries and healing and hits his stride in attending college.

Our move in date is December 1st, but dear friends in New Jersey are sponsoring Gabe’s travel back there for the holidays. I’ll meet Gabe there for Christmas on my way back from my “other home” in India.

Come January 1st, it’ll be time to set up the house as a functional and healing environment for Gabe and myself. We’ve been so fortunate to be cared for by so many friends, but it will be a special kind of restoration to settle down in a place of our own.

Just FYI –  We are in real need of furniture for the house! If you live in Sonoma County and have items you don’t need anymore, please call our assistant Suzy at 707-484-1754. We need pretty much everything!

Gabe and I send you blessings for a very peaceful and enjoyable Thanksgiving, wherever you are. One thing is for certain – while Gabe will celebrate the holiday at Grandma’s house, and I’ll be here on the other side of the world – maybe sipping a bowl of pumpkin soup – We’ll BOTH BE OFFERING OUR PRAYERS OF GRATITUDE FOR THE SUPPORT WE’VE RECEIVED FROM ALL OF YOU THRU THIS DEEPLY CHALLENGING PERIOD OF THE LAST 6 MONTHS.


With love,


P.S. – Two fund-raising raffles sponsored by dear supporters in Clinton, NJ and Cherry Hill near Philadelphia are nearing their drawing dates! If you’d like last-minute tickets, it’s not too late! Click on  How You Can Help for info… We’ll be announcing winners here on the blog… Good Luck and Thank You for Supporting Gabe!

Due to Mom’s technical difficulties, this post is a little late! And a little unsynched…

All the information for the fundraisers Gabe mentions can be found right here:

Thank you all for your kind involvement and support!

Things are Lookin' Up!

Things are Lookin' Up!

Hey people out there –  I just wanted to drop a line on ya and say – How’s it going?

I’m doing well except for having the flu the last few days. Life has been a little crazy lately!

I started driving again and it was sweet. Driving is amazing it has changed my life. its so nice to be able to get myself to places i want to and need to go and go off and visit friends or what have u. My mother’s birthday happened recently so we went up to the town of Quincy where I lived when I was a little kid. I drove down the huge Feather River Canyon with a lot of crazy turns and I figured if I could drive that, I can drive anywhere! One really cool thing I noticed when I’m driving is that I don’t really ever have phantom pains when I’m driving, and I can tap my toe to the beat of a song even though my feet aren’t actually there. It’s nice to feel like I still have them.

I started to play basketball  again which is fun and we get to travel and play other teams and is kinda fun. I’m getting ready to get all my school stuff set up for next semester so I can start going to school as a full time student.

One thing I’ve figured out is that rain in a wheel chair is terrible. I could only imagine snow – ugh!  Rain is so terrible because when you’re outside in it in a chair, it’s as if you’re not moving at all, so your legs get soaked and your chair gets crazy wet and squeaky. And the worst part is that it takes a long time to set up my chair and when its raining. It’s a very annoying process. I was going to wear a poncho but I look like a rolling green blob ’cause it covers my whole chair.When I get a new chair, I want to get rubber grips where my hands grab and push, because mine are metal now and when they get real wet when its raining or what have u, they get very slippery and that can actually be rather dangerous when I cant stop easily, like when crossing the street.

At the Disability Technology Expo

At the Disability Technology Expo in Santa Rosa, CA

On Friday I visited a Disability Technology Expo with my mom and grandma. My Grandma tried the hand-cycle and I checked out a motorized wheelchair attachment.

I will write again soon and I love every one out there and thank you for your support

love, Gabe

P.S. Scroll down to see the last two entries – all about cool raffles people are doing to help me out.

It’s been exactly four months since Gabe scarcely escaped bleeding to death after he fell off the back of a motorcycle,  had both of his legs run over by a truck, then amputated above the knee on both sides. Gabe’s 100% dedicated to walking again–and even driving–with the aid of prosthetics. But in the meantime, the kid has got to get around!

Because Gabe’s just arriving into this new, legless world, we repeatedly realize that we have no idea how to do basic things Gabe always took for granted before–like how to get in a car and drive away–without assistance. With classes at the Santa Rosa Junior College five days a week already, Gabe is super-ready to drive himself to and from class and out into life again without relying completely on me–his mom–as a chauffer! (And yes, on those who  volunteer to help drive sometimes…! Many thanks to Don, Sean, Harry and Eileen!)

Until Gabe has prosthetics, the main challenges to successful driving now are handling the wheelchair independently and operating the car without feet, and Gabe has been trying hard to figure out how to accomplish a return to transport independence. Since he has been using a folding wheelchair (which is heavy and isn’t management with one hand), first Gabe figured out how he might be able to get himself–and his chair– in and out of a car without assistance. He decided a hatchback could work, and tried out his idea with a Saab, a Subaru and a Matrix, as you can see in the first clip, above. (Thanks to Jean and Steve Gandolfo for the chance to check out the Matrix!)

After posting Gabe’s Matrix clip on, Gabe got a lot of advice from amps out there. Thanks guys!

–completely agree with the others. you’ve got to get a different chair. with an ultralight L frame chair, you’re talking 15 pounds max, that quickie probably weighs 40. you roll up to the driver’s seat, hop over, pop the wheels off, toss them in the backseat, fold the backrest down, pull the chair in and you’re good. you’re not stuck waiting for someone to close the hatch or stand there and make sure the chair doesn’t roll out, plus you’d still have a usable passenger seat and trunk/cargo area.

–Gabe if you change your chair you can get any car you want and not just be limited to hatchbacks. get a new chair bro
–Dude, repeat after me… Saturn Coupe or Ford Ranger Supercab with the rear opening doors…

–shoulda gone with a rigid chair, a tilite zra or something. much easier transfers, 20 pounds lighter, fewer moving parts that can break/wear out and they’re built extremely well.

plus you’d be able to transfer in thru the drivers’ door and not have to worry about waiting and asking someone to close the liftgate once you’re inside.

–Gabe – terrific vid dude. You’re getting around great, Awesome!

–It’s great that so soon you are doing things and getting your independence back. I wish you lots of luck with the car and college.What are you going to study?. You are a great inspiration to others.I’ll be interested in your further reports on this. Peter

Then Gabe’s new friend Jason, who picks Gabe up for basketball practice–(Thank you Jason!!!)– demonstrated how much easier it is when you have the right kind of wheelchair – a “rigid wheelchair”–which allows for quick dismantling and handling of the three main parts of the chair: the two wheels and the frame. Check out Jason’s demonstration with his Quickie rigid chair. (Actually, he was just getting back in his truck after checking his trailer full of basketball wheelchairs. More on that later). I love his safety strap…!

So now, Gabe’s got a good idea of how to get into a car. With a rigid chair, he can manage to get into just about any car, which is WAY better than having to travel in something like a van with a hydraulic lift when you are a teenager hoping to drive something a little more cool. But mainly, loading with a rigid chair is a LOT more practical because it’s modular and much lighter. About 15 pounds instead of 35 or so. Since Gabe needs his arm and shoulder strength to fulfill much of what his legs used to do every single day now, it’s important not to subject his muscls or joints to additional  stress or risk. Jason showed me his arm, were he he “blew out” a bicep, from wrangling a heavy chair.  Bottom line? All the guys Gabe is meeting in chairs have said: “Man – why did you buy that heavy folding chair? You need a rigid chair!’ Ah – the cost of the learning curve is oh so steep!  We bought the wrong chair for Gabe at first go. So, now he needs a rigid chair AND a car!

Gabe’s been heading up the whole car and driving research project, and has made some serious progress climbing up this particular learning curve. A couple of people told him when they lost use of their legs, they just used a cane to put pressure on the accelerator and the brake, as needed! While we admire that kind of simplicity, we’re thinking that having hand controls installed in Gabe’s vehicle might be a tad safer. Someone turned Gabe on to the Miller Driving School. For $150, Roileene came out yesterday with her car–outfitted with hand controls–and spent an hour with Gabe to make sure he had no problem driving in this alternative way.

Behind the Wheel Again!

Behind the Wheel Again!

After Roileene’s intro, Gabe got into the driver’s seat. He looked good. He looked even better to me as I watched him drive down the driveway and then down the road and out of sight! It was a big moment, seeing Gabe take off like that, without assistance. My baby’s growing up all over again before my eyes! I know it means the WORLD to Gabe to become fully independent again, as soon as possible, and I have to say, I continue to be amazed by and admiring of  his spirit and joy of living. After Gabe went into the house and I was writing Roileene’s check out on the driveway, she told me Gabe had picked up the hand control driving effortlessly, faster than anyone she’d ever instructed. Gabe rocks!

The last few days, Gabe’s started car shopping, in earnest, with some help from Skip and Don. (Thanks guys!!)  He’s looking mainly for a used Honda, Toyota, Acura or Lexus, but we’re open to suggestion. Gabe needs to drive a safe and dependable car, and one that will give value for the money, but it would be so great if it  look nice too! If you happen to have any ideas or tips on how we can find a good car for Gabe, we’d so appreciate your input!

Today, Gabe and I SUPER excited to meet with a prosthetics company today. The TOP prosthetics company–Otto Bock–makers of the gold standard in above the knee amputee prosthetics: the C-leg.  We’re meeting at my mother and step-father’s house this afternoon to see what might be possible for Gabe.  I hope to write up our experience tonight and share it with you all!

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if Gabe could soon be driving like this guy??? (See the 1 minute movie below.)

With love!


It was a big weekend. Really big.

Gabe and I drove down to Cherry Hill, New Jersey, to spend four days with friends, Sean and Lilavati. They were amazing to hang out with, and it was the first chance Gabe and I have had to be together outside of the hospital since the accident. We ate great meals, rested, laughed and cried in each others’ arms.

Gabe and I both have a lot of adjusting to do, but we healed a lot this weekend, thanks to the good, loving vibes of our dear friends.

Gabe was curious about Lilavati’s Sivam Yoga studio, that richly mysterious world of peace downstairs. He decided to check it out, and when I heard his plans, I grabbed my camera and followed him!  This was his first attempt at making use of a stairway, just a week after getting out of rehab–

For Gabe,  it was no sweat! A little friendly encouragement from Sean and Lilavati sweetened this first.

Check out Gabe’s grace and style….

Cake Walk for Gabe...

Cake Walk for Gabe...

Family and friends—including plenty of folks who have yet to meet Gabe but are looking forward to the moment!—gathered on Saturday for a Secret Cat concert and benefit party in Healdsburg, CA that raised … drum roll please……more than $1,300 to
help pay for Gabe’s needs!

Cousin Vrinda Serves the Drinks

Cousin Vrinda Serves Cool Drinks

Gabe’s cousin Lati and her mom, Melinda, and their fabulous family put together the amazing event with two great bands, tons of luscious food, the thrill of six cakewalks, and a raffle. My favorite moment: watching Melinda dance in the hot sun, while Lati’s band played. How cool to have a mom who can rock out to her teenage daughter’s music! And with good reason. Lati’s band is awesome.

Cousin Rachel MCs

Cousin Rachel MCs

All of my friends were hoping to win the grand prize of the raffle: a Secret Cat show. In the end, the winner was Lati’s grandpa!

John & his daughter, making things good!

John & his daughter, makin' things good!

To see many generations gathered on a summer’s afternoon–I think we spanned the ages of 3 to 76–was a joy in itself. That we were all gathered to celebrate Gabe’s life and offer our support was spectacular.

Gabe's Grandparents

Gabe's Grandparents

Gabe, the home team is rooting for you, big time!

California Fun for Gabe

California Fun for Gabe

And three cheers for all those Misuraca girls, and John and his girls too, of course–their hard work made the day supremely fun for all the rest of us, and their kindness permeated the air. What a sweet gift of generosity they’ve given us all.

My mom kept bugging me to dig up this movie I made with a friend a while ago, when I still had legs.

Today at rehab was probably the hardest day yet, as far as the workouts go, and working on my legs was just rather painful because I did a lot of stretches I did not know I could even do.

On the bright side, I did have visits from my friends Evan and Derek. I love when my friends come, but on the same note it does make me sad ’cause being in the hospital for so long–and now rehab–it feels as if i have just been cut off from society and that is somewhat hard to deal with. But I know its where I need to be right now, so it is the best place for me.

Even though I get down sometimes about things, the really great news is all my docs say I am making great progress and for the first time since I had my accident, I will be allowed to go out for a few hours on the 4th of July. I am really excited about that. I am going to my friend’s house with my mom to hang out and eat some food.

Another thing that made me happy was they moved me out of the room I was in,  into a “single” or a room with no roommate, so now I  don’t have to deal with crazy old men, since I must be the youngest person by at least 45 years, if not more.

At any rate I’m tired and getting ready for bed ’cause I got big workouts every day, but thanks for reading.

I love all you guys and I couldn’t live without your support.

Love, Gabe

p.s. I’ll keep writing if you keep reading!

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